"Oh nah mate, hee'z onli muckin' abaat! Iz just a little bit ov banta ain't it! An also, wen he put 'iz finger up 'er arse on the darnsefloor, consent wernt on 'iz mind; he woz juz 'avin a laff! Banta! Iz juss Banta!!!"
Please can everyone stop using "Banter" as a get out of jail free card for vile, old fashioned attitudes. So greatly has this word been mauled by infantile traps that it now resembles nothing more than a slurred, squirt of its true meaning, a revolting hark to the chintzy attitude of seventies Britain where it was still acceptable to wear vomit-themed paisley shirts in public. We can only wish that once abusers of this term realise just how antiquated their existence has been, they resort to gaining sexual pleasure through the act of punching their own reflection...
...And remember, in twenty years time, when you're all alone in your house, suspicions of your partners fidelity orbiting your thoughts, saddened by the piss-hole eyed mutant you caught sight of in the mirror earlier on, you contemplate just how irritating you must have been for anyone who has ever spoken to you. In the end, it is all just a bit of "Banter", right?
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