Friday, 11 November 2011

Smile for the... actually, don't bother.

People who stick their tongue out in photographs can definitely fuck off...

...why is there such an insistence for people to pop out their tongues as a photo is being taken? Do they think it's saucy? Cheeky? Funny? A combination of all three?

Seeing a moist starfish arm coyly poking out from between puckered lips is nothing short of stomach turning. So stop it. Honestly it makes you look like you've got a cat's arse, one which is perpetually shitting out a razor slither of wet gammon, glued to your face. It most certainly doesn't make you appear like the fun lovin' and good humoured scamp, rather just an unimaginative knob with all the charisma of a pile of rotting whelks.

Note: This act is most often witnessed at working class bachelorette parties. This is where a gaggle of trollops, most of whom resemble a pile of cheap offal stuffed awkwardly into a sequinned boob tube, stand about getting pissed, wearing plastic tiaras and pound shop "L" plates. These groups are highly irritating and should be avoided at all costs by those with weak heart conditions, epilepsy and basic cognitive ability.

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