Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Children who insist on swinging around the vertical hand rails on the tube can fuck off...
Cheers for making me feel awkward and having to give that polite 'kids will be kids' smile to your mum when you bump in to me. That smile really means 'I hope your child gets bullied at school'.
Why weren't you just aborted you snivelling arseholes.
Monday, 28 November 2011
People that can Fuck off: No. 22 Yannis from Foals

Next time you see him on television (which, quite frankly isn't going to be any time soon) take a very deep breath. One can gather the faint woody smell of a hollow head housing a tiny lego brick of a brain, whilst deep, untamed lashings of self satisfaction fuse powerfully with the fetid waft of pig shit and afterbirth.
We recommend serving Yannis with a light fish supper.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
When I'm cleaning windows/catching a glimpse of your dirty pillows

...I recon these hulking washers purposefully wait until they see people strolling about their homes in the nip or as they embrace a loved one for a sly piece of morning honey fun, rather than at sensible cleaning times when the house is most likely to be empty... Or, actually, maybe never, seeing as I am pretty sure I didn't ask for you to invade my property and then charge me for a job I could probably do myself in the first place.
Instead, the loud clatter of cheap wooden ladders, the whistling of Radio One slurry such as "Riverside (motherfucker)" and the conducting of boring conversations via speaker phone to equally boring people, greet the great British public each morning. Hearing this utter cacophony at 7am as you attempt to rouse your soiled body for another day of work, is about as energising as having a potty full of cold piss thrown over your head and a squeegee rammed up your arse.
I've caught the window cleaner down my road have a proper good old look at me as I practised my single fisted drumming today. Weird, I thought it'd take a little longer than two days to warrant a re-clean of all the windows. Front and back. Inside and out.
Suppose the least I can offer him is a cup of tea and a dip in the biscuit barrel.
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Wake up. Now fuck off

People that use "sleeps" as a unit of time measurement are mugs of the highest order. Counting down your excitement for a forthcoming event by describing it as "6 sleeps away" doesn't make you sound whimsical and cute, it makes you sound like some sort of irritatingly puerile, moronic Native Indian Chief. If you like, I can arrange for everything to be one big sleep away, by stoving your stupid fucking head in with a brick.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Big twats
People who knock about with wild animals can fuck off...
No matter how much you think you have a bond with a deadly animal, be assured that one day it will tear your throat off and not give two shits about it.
Why do wild animal lovers always have loads of pockets on their clothes and shit hoop earings?
Friday, 11 November 2011
Smile for the... actually, don't bother.

People who stick their tongue out in photographs can definitely fuck off...
...why is there such an insistence for people to pop out their tongues as a photo is being taken? Do they think it's saucy? Cheeky? Funny? A combination of all three?
Seeing a moist starfish arm coyly poking out from between puckered lips is nothing short of stomach turning. So stop it. Honestly it makes you look like you've got a cat's arse, one which is perpetually shitting out a razor slither of wet gammon, glued to your face. It most certainly doesn't make you appear like the fun lovin' and good humoured scamp, rather just an unimaginative knob with all the charisma of a pile of rotting whelks.
Note: This act is most often witnessed at working class bachelorette parties. This is where a gaggle of trollops, most of whom resemble a pile of cheap offal stuffed awkwardly into a sequinned boob tube, stand about getting pissed, wearing plastic tiaras and pound shop "L" plates. These groups are highly irritating and should be avoided at all costs by those with weak heart conditions, epilepsy and basic cognitive ability.
14 Across: female sex organ - horrible human (4)

People who classify puzzles as recreation can fuck off...
...this statement should set off alarm bells, for any persons believing that the rearrangment of letters and numbers into a logically defined uniform via specifically established criteria is a legitimate form of recreation, undeniably confirms them to be embossed with the hallmark, "Boring Sod". Through their twee barley water existence and inability to fully craft their own opinions, it is in fact these smudges who are causing the demise of western civilisation. Rather than flagellate the swarms of young hunchbacks who congregate like a flock of cross birds, turn and look to the people with personalities as full and rich as a bombed out Zimbabwean supermarket. They are the true apocalypse.
If you are someone who does disagrees with this frankly spot on entry, here is a complex anagram to keep your insightful mind ticking over: ILLK OUYRELSF OYU FCKIUGN WKAENR
Monday, 7 November 2011
People that can fuck off: No.23 Vanessa Redgrave
Just off out to steal the lead flashing off Vanessa Redgrave's roof. Then I'm gonna dump a load of shit in her garden, rob all her husbands tools off his van and bottle her son down the local.
Wonder if she will support me in my eviction case?
Daft bitch
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Kunt Fu
'Crazy' people who claim to love old Kung Fu movies can fuck off...
You could try and make friends by being interesting or genuine, but if you're as exciting as a vow of silence then do yourself a favour and stamp on your own throat.
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